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Moor Hall Primary School

Moor Hall Primary School

A growing school with a big heart

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Moor Hall Parents Association is a charity run by volunteering parents and friends of the school.


We organise events throughout the year, raising funds to help support our school with help in purchasing a wide variety of items...


  • Sports equipment
  • Science equipment
  • Mathletics
  • Teacher learning walls
  • Music
  • Library books


The list is endless, everything we organise is help each and everyone of our children have the best possible experience at our school.


As the PA relies on the kindness of people helping, we are always looking for new ideas and volunteers. If you think you can help even for a short while, please do contact us and we can pop you onto our helpers list. Alternatively, if you want to become more involved please let us know

Who We Are

Zoe Harold - chair of the PA


Contact us...

Any suggestions and enquiries can be sent to
Or the PA box located in reception, or talk to us or your class reps in the playground. All feedback is very welcome.  


What We Do

We are an association of parents and school staff who work together to arrange and support many of the events that happen around the school.

We have events thoughout the year that rely on the help and support of the parents. This is normally a job for the class reps, to rally up a team of helpers each year has to class reps.

We hold regular meetings to discuss upcoming events, new ideas, and how we can make a difference to our school.

The PA provides essential support to the school. Fund raising ventures are extremely important in helping the school to have resources in order to support them in teaching and learning. In recent years our funds have helped with mathematics, literacy, music, PE and the arts. We are presently helping the school to complete a new library


How Can You Help?

There are many ways you can help the parents assocation:

  • Like us on Facebook.
  • Attend events - they are great fun and a good way of getting to know the school and other parents.
  • Offer to help out at events - many hands make light work.
  • Attend our PA meetings.